
Put your funniest internet jokes + anything that pokes fun at Bubbas.

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oldusedparts USER_AVATAR
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Location: Montgomery, Texas


Postby OldUsedParts » Tue May 18, 2021 6:51 pm

One time two gentleman were traveling thru Texas and one of the noticed a road sign that read Mexia 35 miles. He turned to the other gentleman as said "Looks like MAH-HEY'A" is just down the road ! Then the other feller replied "It's not MAH-HEY'A, it's pronounced MEX-E'A ! Well they argued for about the next 30 minutes as to how you say Mexia and finally stopped at a business there. A Lady that was working there greeted them and one of the Gentlemen said "We have been arguing for an hour on the proper way to pronounce the name of this place so could you tell us the way it is pronounced very slowly so we understand. She said "Why certainly, I'd be glad to - - - DARE-REE-KWEEN"
I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country—Victory or Death. William Barret Travis - Lt. Col. comdt "The Alamo"

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